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Saturday, February 11, 2017


Donald Trump, thin-skinned and bullying as he is, always takes it out on others when he experiences a loss.  On Saturday, February 4, he suffered a loss.  The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously stayed his ban on Muslims from seven different countries.  His ban was disguised as a "security risk" in an Executive Order.  When "a federal judge in Washington state temporarily blocked the ban," Billings Gazette reported, it "plunged the new administration into a crisis that has challenged Trump's authority..." and was described as " extraordinary setback for the White House".  In other words, a huge loss for Donald Trump.

What happened next?  This past week, ICE in a coordinated effort conducted raids on undocumented immigrants from at least six different states across our country and deported them.  When ICE deported immigrants under President Obama, they were based on "clear guidance prioritizing deportation of high level criminals".  With Donald Trump, there is no priority list and any felon (no matter what they've done) is susceptible.  Even a mother of two teenagers who had been checking in regularly with her immigration officer since 2008 (because of using a fake Social Security number to find work) became a target.  She was no threat to her community.  Donald's raids are indiscriminate, causing fear and panic among immigrant communities.  Donald's raids in fact could "include virtually any undocumented immigrant living in the United States". [CNN Politics]

It's obvious that Donald doesn't do his homework or, more likely, doesn't care.  According to Joy Reid, "foreign born people alone contributed over $232 billion to Los Angeles total GDP in 2014".  Donald's highest concern is not for we Americans, undocumented immigrants or otherwise.  To be seen NOT as a loser is his highest priority.

A city councilman from Austin, Texas, wonders if raids of undocumented immigrants in his city are in retribution for Austin's work as a sanctuary city.  I, too, see these actions of Donald and ICE as retribution -- and a repeat of history.

On November 23, 1938, "Berlin:  Germans Track Down Jews in Raids on Aliens" is a headline in the Chicago Tribune.  "Secret police today were reported to have searched homes of foreigners suspected of having harbored German Jews since the mass action against Jewry began 10 days ago.  ...Berlin police have given assurances no more arrests of Jews would be made but today there came a belated report of a raid carried out in Frankfort on the Main.  Advices [sic] from Frankfort said Jews were accosted on street cars and in other public places and taken away."

Does any of this reporting ring bells for you?  And if you're not Jewish, no problem?  And you're not an undocumented immigrant, no problem?  Think again.  It is our Judiciary thus far that has righted the wrongs of valid visa-carrying foreigners and Americans caught up in Donald's Muslim ban of last week.  Confusion, Donald's stock in trade, reigned supreme.  And you think that can't happen again?

We must remain vigilant and our Judiciary must remain independent.  Retribution in Germany, 1938, and in the United States, 2017, is not part of our democracy.  Our vision for our country does not include retribution because of Donald's ego.  It does instead stand for something far greater:  "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"