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Friday, April 11, 2014

How to Exercise -- for a campaign or a regular work day

Keep your mind clear and your body flexible.  Follow these 10 early-morning stretches to wake you up and keep your motor running throughout the day.  From head to toe, you will be ready for anything.

1.  Head rolls:  Do 10 head rolls (rolling from right shoulder around to the back to the left, to the front and back to the right).  Do 10 head rolls to the left.  Move more slowly as needed.

2.  Shoulder rolls:  Hunch and roll your shoulders backwards 10 times.  Hunch them forward 10 times.

3.  Large arm swings:  Swing your right arm in a circle beginning with your arm at your side, swing forward, up, back then down.  Do this 10 times.  Do the same with your left arm.  Then swing both arms together, first forward 10 times crossing them in the front, then backwards 10 times.

4.  Tight arm swings:  Stretch your arms straight out at the sides.  Keeping them straight, rotate them in a tight circle 10 times forward, then 10 times backwards.  Continue these complete rotations 5 times.

5.  Side stretches:  Place your left arm at your side.  Bring your right arm over your head.  At each count to three, bend, straighten, bend then straighten.  Your left arm will move further down your side.  Continue 10 times.  Do the same with your right arm at your side and the left arm over your head, 10 times.

6.  Belly-dancing rolls:  Place hands on your hips.  Bring hips forward, roll them to the right, around to the back, over to the left and forward again.  Continue 10 times.  Do the same but beginning to the left.  The goal is to flex your body at the waist while keeping legs slightly bent.

7.  Touching toes:  Stretch legs apart, keeping them straight at the knee.  Reach to the floor, bending as far as is comfortable.  Each time you bend, your arms and back will stretch further.  Do this 10 times.

8.  Body twists:  Keeping your legs apart after previous exercise, spread both arms out at the sides, and swing your body left then right, turning at the waist.  Keep your legs straight with head facing forward.  Do this 10 times.

9.  Leg exercise #1:  Lean against a wall.  Bring your right leg up to your chest, use arms to pull it into your chest and hold for several seconds.  Do this 10 times.  Repeat with your left leg.

10.  Leg exercise #2:  Stand with legs together.  Take one step forward with right foot.  While keeping left heel on the floor, lean into that right leg bending it downward at the knee.  Feel the stretch in your left leg.  Hold.  Bring your right leg back to original position and repeat 10 times.  Do the same starting with your left leg.

Follow this routine each morning.  These stretches demand about 15 minutes out of your day but very quickly can become one of the most satisfying activities you can give yourself.  Have a good day!

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