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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Front-runner TRUTHINESS  #2
     Hillary is born on October 26, 1947, at Edgewater Hospital, Chicago.  She is raised in a United Methodist family and, from the age of three on, lives with her parents and two younger brothers in Pine Ridge, Illinois.  While her father, Hugh, is successful in the textile industry, her mother, Dorothy, is a homemaker.  With Hillary as her oldest child and only daughter, Dorothy encourages Hillary to pursue an independent and professional career.  Her father, even though traditional, feels "his daughter's abilities and opportunities should not be limited by gender."  In other words, both parents encourage Hillary to follow her star.
     Hillary's parents come from similar European roots.  Hugh comes from Welsh and English roots.  Dorothy originates from English, Scottish, French-Canadian, and Welsh backgrounds.

     Donald is born on June 14, 1946, in Queens, a borough of New York City.  He is fourth of five children.  (There are currently four children living since one passed away of complications due to alchoholism.)  His mother, Mary Anne, is a homemaker and philanthropist while his father, Fred, is known as a real estate developer.  The family lives in Jamaica Estates in Queens.  Mary Anne's philanthropy includes Women's Auxiliary of Jamaica Hospital and Jamaica Day Nursery (a pavilion at the Hospital bears the Trump name), Salvation Army, Boy Scouts of America, Lighthouse for the Blind.  Fred and Mary Anne also give buildings to National Kidney Foundation of New York/New Jersy, and Community Mainstreaming Associates of Great Neck, New York, which provides home for the disabled (one has to wonder if this is where Donald began at an early age to mock the disabled).  Fred passes away in 1999 and Mary Anne in 2000.
     Donald's brother, Robert, is president of his father's property management company.  Maryanne, sister, is a federal judge on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, and another sister, Elizabeth, is an executive with Chase Manhattan Bank.  Donald is known as the developer and casino operator.
     Donald's mother is born on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland in 1912 (Donald, on his mother's side, is second-generation immigrant).  Fred is living in America when Mary Anne visits; they meet and marry in the 1930's.  It is Fred's parents who come to the United States from Germany in 1885; they are both of German descent.  Fred's father is a Klondike Gold Rush Restaurateur and a brothel keeper.  Fred always claims his father is of Swedish descent.  It comes to light later, however, by a family historian that Donald's paternal grandfather is actually German.  Fred changes his origins because he has "a lot of Jewish tenants" in his buildings and knows "it wasn't a good thing to be German".
     Donald claims Swedish heritage in his book, The Art of the Deal, but when confronted, eventually owns up to his German heritage (rather than Swedish) and serves as grand marshal in the German-American Steuben parade in 1999.  Since then, however, he mocks Senator Elizabeth Warren in 2013 for claiming some Native American heritage, stories of which are passed down in her family (Warren was running for U.S. Senate). "'She's caught a little wave.  Maybe it's her Indian upbringing,' Donald tells Maureen Dowd.  He retweets a tweet that refers to Elizabeth Warren as "Pocahontas Warren.'"

Sources:  Wikipedia; The New York Times, August 9, 2000; and Andrew Kaczynski, Buzzfeed News Reporter 

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