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Thursday, November 19, 2015

     Recently a friend responded to a political email I'd sent.  He used the term "RINO", I assumed, to refer to Republicans.  Since I hadn't heard the acronym before, I created my own meaning of it as it pertains to the GOP.  (My following creativity with this acronym has nothing to do with it's real meaning which is, I'm told, "Republican In Name Only".)

MY meaning for RINO is "Republicans in the NO!"

The word, "rino", conjures up "rhino", a shortened form of rhinoceros, those large animals found in Africa and Southeast Asia.  In reading about the rhinoceros, I realized they are a perfect symbol for GOP leadership and presidential candidates.  Here's why:

1.  There are black rhinos and there are white rhinos.  That's exactly how the GOP sees the world -- in black and white.

2.  Rhinos have pea-size brains in relation to their size (adults are one ton).  The GOP is too big for its britches; it's leaders collectively think and act very small.  Consider:  no Obamacare for the needy; no Planned Parenthood healthcare for needy women or men; no increase in minimum wage; no Syrian refugees into our country except maybe for Christians, etc., etc.

3.  According to the African Wildlife Foundation, rhino horns in Asia are prized because they are believed to be a cure for hangovers, cancer, impotence.  In reality, the horns are made of keratin, the same material as our hair and nails.  As one writer put it, their horns "are as effective at curing cancer as chewing fingernails."  The GOP's presidential candidates would have us believe they have the solutions to our country's problems.  In reality?  They solve nothing.  In fact, their "solutions" only make our country's problems worse by seeding distrust, practicing extreme partisanship, fostering alienation.  Their "horns", their ideas, are only good for chewing one's fingernails!

Let's start a movement to replace the elephant as a GOP symbol!  Why not the rhinocerosElephants represent the exact opposite of the current GOP -- they are too smart and too empathetic with their fellow elephants to represent the GOP!  Then again, rhinoceros are dwindling in their populations.  Do we really want to see the GOP dwindle out of existence?  Hmmm... 

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