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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

What is Insanity? 

 Is it, as a friend says, doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result?  Is that me?  Is that what I'm doing?

I sign up for a nine-week substituting gig for a first-grade teacher on pregnancy leave -- I make it through five weeks successfully before bowing out.  I can't wait until I start training for a volunteer position at a nonprofit near where I live -- I make it through long days and half the training period before I become both physically and emotionally exhausted.  I see dear friends and, without any encouragement on their part, I abuse their hospitality.  I say "yes" to a phone call asking me to repeat a community service that I'd provided two years earlier without any apparent success.

What is wrong with me?  I don't seem to be getting anything right.

Turn around. Take another look.  Think again.

My first-grade substituting gig seems to be overwhelming for many who follow me.  Maybe it just happens to be a difficult job for most of us who try it.

My volunteer training is created for young people.  Since I'm no longer a younger person, maybe there is good reason for my physical and emotional exhaustion.

My friend gives me a high-five and a grin.  Maybe we're still friends after all.

When I attend a lunch meeting today, at least three people tell me how much they appreciate my taking on the community service that no one else wants to do.  Maybe there's a good reason for taking on the service, even when others may view it as a failed undertaking.

And, most surprising, I return home from a month's absence and find people in my community greeting me with, "You're back", "You're home already", and "Good to see you made it back safely".

Insanity?  Maybe.  I just think it's the human condition.  There are bad times; there are good times.  Given the choice, however, I'll take the good times over the bad any day of the week!

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