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Friday, March 28, 2014

*Believe the Facts, Not the Fiction:  Negative side-effects of Obamacare have not materialized
 Fiction:  Obamacare will lead to a serious decline in full-time employment.
Fact:  The number of part-time workers has fallen while full-time employment has grown.  Since March, 2010, part-time workers has fallen by 300,000.  In 2013, full-time employment has grown by over 2 million.
Fiction:  Millions of Americans have lost their non-group, individual health insurance policy due to cancellations forced by Obamacare. 
a.  Pre-Obama, ordinary changes in individual health insurance policies occurred from year to year and usually resulted in the consumer purchasing a new plan after a short period of time.  Since the non-group market is highly volatile, just 17 percent retain coverage for more than two years.
b.  Pre-Obama, close to 17 percent of individual policy holders were losing their individual market policies.  Similarly, 18.6 percent (roughly, 2.6 million people) had plans cancelled as a result of Obamacare.  This is a number well below the estimates of 5 million or considerably more being tossed about by Obamacare opposition.
c.  Those who say their health insurance policy was cancelled?  Over half is likely to be eligible for coverage assistance, mostly through marketplace subsidies.  They can enroll in a Medicaid program or receive subsidies on the healthcare exchanges.  Many if not most will be covered at a lower price while greatly improving the quality of coverage.  One million, then, will replace cancelled policies with something that may cost more.  This is far less dramatic, however, than what the Obamacare opposition has been saying.

Problem:  With detractors pushing dire effects of Obamacare rather than educating them, many people are not aware of new state Marketplaces, few know if their state expanded Medicaid, and many lack confidence to enroll, make choices and pay premiums.  As long as politicians, pundits and special interests continue to lie about what Obamacare means and what it does not mean to the American public, workable fixes that benefit the public and improve American health care cannot happen.  Facts matter. 

The latest:  In the last three months of 2013, there has been a drop from 17.1 percent to 15.9 percent of American adults that are uninsured.  This translates to 3 million to 4 million who are now getting coverage who did not have it before.  There has been improvement in all demographics except Hispanics.  According to Gallup, the number of Americans who still do not have health insurance coverage is on track to reach the lowest quarterly number since 2008. 

*Entirely taken from FORBES, Rick Unger, Contributor, March 10, 2014 

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